Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tennis Balls

Nicki has always had a love of Tennis balls, even when he was that small sickly puppy we saved from being put down. He almost always has one near him, or in his mouth. There's just one strange thing: He won't play with them outside, he just gets so distracted by other things, for example the neighbor's dog, Lady, that he just abandons them. A few days ago I decided to try an experiment, and threw the ball out the door just onto the porch and let Nicki chase after it, sure enough as soon as he felt the feeling of the porch he dropped the ball and began sniffing around in the grass. I tried it several times and got the same results. We're going to work on this, because we all love being outside and want to see if Nicki will find a way to concentrate on the ball so we can start bringing him to more dog parks, and other fun places.

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