Friday, May 11, 2012


Nicki has been a good sport about the ducklings that hatched in our bush months ago. Now that the mother has abandoned the remaining six, the tend to stay in our yard. Thankfully Nicki has gotten a little bit better about his instincts to chase the ducks. On their visit today I had him on short leash and allowed him to get steadily closer to the ducklings. He barked once, and I turned and walked back down the yard. Once he had become calm again I walked back, this time the ducklings ran right up to us. I had Nicki sit, and watched his reaction, he seemed confused about what the small things swarming around his paws were. I have to admit, I think he's making progress!


  1. HI Nicki. I am Dotty's mom from facebook. I like you blog!
