Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tropical Storm Debby

I sadly had to leave Nicki behind with my father and two sisters while my mother and I went to Tampa to meet up with an Aunt. Of course, Tropical storm Debby decided to pay a visit while I was there. Nicki has remained calm, even though he hates having to go outside in the rain. It doesn't matter how badly he has to go, if he is going to be hit by water falling from the sky he isn't going. I have to bring an umbrella out and hold the whole thing over Nicki. A lot of people give me odd looks as they drive by, but as long as Nicki is comfortable I just shrug it off. At least when it's rainy out there are no other dogs to approach Nicki.
I have a question: Does your dog like rain, or hate it?

1 comment:

  1. My Trixie HATES the rain. She will hold it till she's going to explode before she will go outside to go potty. If I don't catch her, she will sneak into the laundry room to pee! At least we have an overhanging balcony over the patio which gives her a spot to go that is not inside, but to her is not quite outside! Weeble has gotten better about it and just goes out to do his business, but it did take a few years to get to that!
