Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tropical Storm Debby

I sadly had to leave Nicki behind with my father and two sisters while my mother and I went to Tampa to meet up with an Aunt. Of course, Tropical storm Debby decided to pay a visit while I was there. Nicki has remained calm, even though he hates having to go outside in the rain. It doesn't matter how badly he has to go, if he is going to be hit by water falling from the sky he isn't going. I have to bring an umbrella out and hold the whole thing over Nicki. A lot of people give me odd looks as they drive by, but as long as Nicki is comfortable I just shrug it off. At least when it's rainy out there are no other dogs to approach Nicki.
I have a question: Does your dog like rain, or hate it?

Friday, June 22, 2012


Nicki is a DINO. Enough said, I hate it when people approach us during walks with their own dog and allow the dog to run over. I can just see Nicki's body stiffen and feel that it's going to end badly. Saying "MY dog is friendly!" isn't going to change what MY dog does. Please, ask before approaching a dog and if the owner says no, there's probably a good reason! Don't call the owner mean, or insult the dog. It's much safer for both DINO (Dog in need of space) and the other dog. Same thing in the vet's office, the dog already might  not be feeling well it doesn't need to feel stressed because of a random dog coming up and attempting to play with it.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Thunderstorms and Dogsitting

Nicki has been a real trooper this week, if you've liked him on Facebook you probably already know. It's been raining a lot here, and I've been dogsitting. Since it's been raining I've been playing with him inside a whole lot more than usual which means almost 'round the clock playing. Nicki prances around our feet if he wants into the room to get on his bed now, which is much better. When we replaced his old bed he seemed to think we had gotten the new bed for Bina and he wasn't allowed on it. Now he can be found lounging on it at night and early morning. On another note, I've been dogsitting with Nicki's aunt. We dog sit these dogs often, which means Nicki has gotten used to us coming home with their fur and scent on our clothes. We hope you guys have a very bright and pretty summer, hopefully we will soon!