Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Lovin'

I love Fall, it gets cooler and it just feels so much more relaxed for me. It also means Nicki can play outside more, now that he's used to the idea I've seen a definite improvement in his attitude towards playing outside. The other day I caught him chasing lizards on the porch, and inadvertently knocking over our potted plants. He's in love with his ball even more now that he knows how to chase it into the yard. I found a home flyball set and I'm tempted but first I want to get a few things done. 
All of us here in Nicki's home hope you guys are having a great Fall so far!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Soccer Mom

Am I the only pet parent who feels a bit like a soccer mom? I'm constantly rushing around for different pet things and still managing to get my own stuff done. For example today Nicki has a groomer's appointment, one of the Guinea Pigs visits the vets for a check up, I have to go to our pet supply store for dog toys, cat toys, and Guinea pig stuff, and when I get home I have to clean up behind all of them and then feed them. I still don't even relax after that. I'm not a helicopter parent though, I let them explore as they wish as long as I know they're safe. Does this sound similar to anyone? I still manage to throw in my own little things to do but mainly my life revolves around my pets.